M.S. 594 - New Pathways Academy Home

The International Baccaulaurate (IB) Candidacy School

Perseverance, Accountability, Thoughtfulness, Honesty

Our School's Mission Statement

Our scholars are nurtured to become exemplary citizens and lifelong learners through our mission of developing internationally minded individuals with inquiring and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to walk their PATH (perseverance, accountability thoughtfulness, honesty).
New Pathways Academy is a Candidate School for the Middle Year Program (MYP). This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy, a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that NPA believes is important for our students.
NPA Logo

Senior Dues

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Eighth grade is an exciting time for your child as they begin their journey to move onto high school. It is our goal to work hard in making this a successful academic and memorable year.

Heroes of Highbridge Walk/Run

Join us for the 2024 Family & Community Resource Fair! Learn about resources, connect with your community, and have fun! To register: https://bronxdistrict9.softr.app/


  • astor
  • avid
  • leap
  • montefiore
  • Center for Supportive Schools
  • International Beccalaureate
  • dentity system

Our Principal

Hello staff, students and parents,

I hope all is well with you and your families. Let me start off by saying I am so blessed to have each of you in our school family. I am so blessed to have wonderful staff members that are dedicated to our students, families and community. As we enter this new year I am confident that we will continue to grow and become even stronger as a school.


As we venture into the 6th year, we will continue to ensure that we foster an environment that encourages all to be thoughtful and honest. This year, we will be closer to achieving International Baccalaureate certification, as one of very few IB middle schools in New York City. Let’s keep this energy all year long! You are now a part of the exhilarating, groundbreaking, and great work that it will take to get us there.


So as we walk our PATH into our 6th year, let us do so with our core values in mind. We have persevered with strength and innovation, and we’ve held ourselves accountable for the growth of our school and of our students. Everyone who has joined us in the last 5 years has bolstered the core of our school community by being thoughtful and honest to the things that we hold dear in our school culture. We continue to make history in the Bronx, one year closer to meeting our goal to become an International Baccalaureate school. Let’s make it happen this year! You are now a part of the exhilarating, ground breaking, and great work that it will take to get us there.

School Calendar