Ms. Seemangal's Page: 8th Grade English Language Arts

Ms. Seemangal’s educational background is rooted in the Bronx where she attended elementary, middle and high school. She went on to attain her undergraduate degree in English from Lehman College, culminating in a Masters in English Education from St. John's University.  This equipped her with the tools to not only teach English but also instill a love for literature and writing in her students.

Ms. Seemangal is currently an 8th grade English Language Arts teacher at New Pathways Academy.  She teaches with her own motto and philosophy, "Be the strongest person you know," in hopes of fostering resilience and self-confidence in her students. By challenging them with rigorous academic standards and encouraging them to take ownership of their education, she empowers them to excel both academically and personally. Through innovative teaching methods such as Socratic Seminars, Reciprocal Reading, and Accountable Talk, Ms. Seemangal encourages active engagement and critical thinking among her students. By promoting peer collaboration and review, she cultivates a culture of learning and growth where students learn from each other's perspectives.

In her classroom, Ms. Seemangal creates a nurturing environment where students feel safe to express themselves freely. Her emphasis on compassion and empathy fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to embrace their diversity. As a proud Guyanese American, she understands the importance of inclusivity and celebrates the richness that diversity brings to her classroom.

Overall, Ms. Seemangal's approach to education, combining academic rigor with compassion and inclusivity, prepares her students not only for success in the classroom but also for leadership roles in their communities.

Unit 1: Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai

Inside Out and Back Again Inquiry Statement:

A person’s character and way of life is influenced by a change in their setting.

Inquiry Questions:

What is home?

How do critical incidents reveal our character?

What common themes unify the refugee experience?

Summative Assessment: Essay-Literary Analysis



Unit 2: A Mighty Long Way by Carlotta Walls Lanier

A Might Long Way


Inquiry Statement:

A person’s purpose and way of life is influenced by systems

Inquiry Questions:

What is the real story?

How does studying diverse sources about the same topic build our understanding?

How can photographs tell a story?

Summative Assessment: Essay-Comparative Essay


Unit 3: Test Sophistication

Plan: Teach, Asses, Gather Data, Support

Unit 4: A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Inquiry Statement:

Logic or lack of logic transforms character by means of identities and relationships.

Inquiry Questions:

What motivates people to try to control one another’s actions?

Is it possible to control one another’s actions?

When is love worth saving and when is time to let go?

Summative Assessment: Essay-Argumentative Essay